If you are wondering where to eat steak in Florence, we want to take you to a restaurant in the city that, even if it’s born less than one year ago, in such a short time has conquered Florence and the Florentines, dedicating itself to the product that best represents its cuisine in Italy and all over the world. Let’s discover “Regina Bistecca” (in Italian it means “Queen Steak”)!
On the other hand there is not a single Florentine who has not been asked at least a hundred times in his life, which is the best restaurant to eat a “Florentine” steak, the famous culinary heritage of the city. But giving an answer to this typical question has always been complicated, even for Matteo Perduca and his partner Simone Arnetoli, owners of “Regina Bistecca”. Already founder of the prestigious and well-known baqueting and catering company “Il Galateo”, as well as “Toscanino” (exports the Tuscan products); Simone has opened a real luxury temple of Bistecca.
It is located at number 6 of Via Ricasoli, where since 1875, right in front of the Niccolini’s theatre, there was the Libreria Antiquaria Gonnelli (Ancient Gonnelli’s Library) historic institution throughout Italy, belonging to the same family for almost 150 years and frequented by distinguished names of art and of culture, like Gabriele D’Annunzio and Benedetto Croce. The “Saletta Gonnelli” in fact, during its history, has become a meeting place for the artists of the ‘900.
In its place, today that the Library has moved to Piazza D’Azeglio, since February “La Regina Bistecca” reigns: a restaurant that combines the taste and quality of Tuscan cuisine with the culture and tradition of the city.
Furnished in wood, with numerous and important paintings and sculptures, vintage bookcases, a gallery with a collection of over 400 volumes of cuisine owned by Matteo. No matter how perfect the restaurant is, the most striking is the meticulous attention to detail, as well as the charcoal grill and the brazier by its side, always alive. But finally, let’s go to the true protagonist of this place and the embarrassment of the choice we have in deciding between steak Marchigiana, Black Angus, the European selection, the so-called “Noble” and finally, his majesty the “Chianina”. In addition to the steak, in the menu you will also find tartare, roast beef, lampredotto, tripe, Vitel tonnè and – unbelievable but true – also tasty fish dishes (the cod is divine!). “Regina Bistecca” also offers 3 types of tasting respectively 25, 43 and 59 euros.
Now that you found where to eat steak in Florence, let’s see what you can drink with it. Great emphasis on the territory and its flavours, is also given by the selection of wines with excellent Tuscan references and suitable for any type of pocket. Alternatively I recommend the long drinks from the local Florentine American Bar: here the Negroni is really special! To conclude, the staff is very attentive, precise and very helpful in advising customers and most of all, it’s better for you to remember to book a table and keep in mind that it is open for lunch and dinner but closed on Monday.
Now just book your stay at Antiche Dimore Fiorentine from the Official Website and start your culinary journey in the city!